About the Reflection
The final reflection can be part of the work you do in your major capstone course. The reflection questions below should give you a general idea about how you can synthesize your experiences. Students have integrated the reflection questions into portfolios or webpages. You can see examples from two history and history education students: Claire Eubanks (see the page on her website titled Additional Projects) and Katie Haynes (see the page on her website dedicated to Global Connections). We have also had students submit blogs, photoessays and traditional papers.
Global Connections Certificate Reflection Questions:
- How do the international-related experiences (study abroad, foreign language) you have gained while pursuing the Global Connections Certificate complement and enhance your studies and life here at Appalachian?
- What were your perceptions about cultural values and norms at home and in other countries before you began your experiences? How have they changed as you finish the Certificate? Please include both general ideas and specific examples.
- Why do you think it is important for students to “internationalize” their studies and everyday lives? How will you continue to do so in the future?
- Reflect on your experiences abroad, coursework, co-curricular and volunteer activities. What are the common themes that connect these opportunities for you? How have they helped you understand the interconnectedness of the world and global affairs?
- How have the experiences and insights you have gained changed the way you see your own role in this global society?
- For December graduates, the due date is December 1.
- For May and August graduates, the due date is April 20.