

Romance Languages: Master of Arts (MA)

The program offers the following concentrations:

French College Teaching Concentration

French K-12 Teaching (M Level Licensure) Concentration

Spanish College Teaching Concentration

Spanish K-12 Teaching (M Level Licensure) Concentration

Information for Applicants

Learn about our admission requirements and application deadlines, and find information about starting as a non-degree-seeking student 

Master of Arts Degree

Appalachian State University offers Master’s Degrees in Romance Languages with specializations in French or Spanish Teaching. Within each language, candidates can specialize to focus on K-12 or College Teaching. The teaching Masters is a non-thesis degree and involves 36 graduate hours (12 courses). Students may begin the degree in any semester--summer, spring or fall. 

Graduate Minors

Romance Languages/French Graduate Minor

Romance Languages/Spanish Graduate Minor

Meet Our Students

Bouchard, Pascale

Pascale Bouchard

Romance Languages - French and Spanish, College Teaching Concentration

Research & professional interests:
Expressing gender nonconformity in French and Spanish; art.

Current position:
Graduate Teaching Assistant (Beginning French I)

Summer Graduate Course Offerings

The department offers Summer courses for our current graduate students. These courses are also open to K-12 inservice teachers needing CE credits and qualifying undergraduates with senior standing.

Current Students

Information for enrolled students on advising, programs of study, admission to candidacy, application for graduation, and comprehensive examinations