Faculty and Staff

Faculty & Staff

  • Blankenship, Bobby

    Mr. Bobby Blankenship

    Adjunct Instructor, Spanish


    Research and teaching interests: I teach beginning Spanish 1010 & 1020.

  • Victoria Cox

    Dr. Victoria Cox

    Professor, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 108 B
    (828) 262-7101

    Research and teaching interests: Spanish Language. Latin American Literature and Culture. Andean Studies. Latin American Women Writers. Performance Studies. Business Spanish.

  • Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Deifell

    Dr. Elizabeth Deifell

    Senior Lecturer

    Sanford Hall 511
    (828) 262-8598

    Research and teaching interests: Second Language Acquisition, Language Program Coordination, Computer-Assisted Language Teaching and Learning, Heritage Language Instruction

  • Benito del Pliego

    Dr. Benito del Pliego

    Professor, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 210 D
    (828) 262-2306

    Research and teaching interests: Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Poetry, Contemporary Spanish and Latin American Literature, Transatlantic Studies, Peninsular Studies, Migrations and Exile in the Spanish Speaking World

  • Dr. Adrienne Erazo

    Assistant Professor, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 210 A
    (828) 262-2929

    Research and teaching interests: Spanish for the Professions (Spanish for Healthcare and Social Services). Contemporary Mexican, Central American, and Latinx literature. Latin American immigration in literature. Border theory. Gender studies. Identity theory. Representation of marginalization and otherness.

  • Andres Fisher

    Dr. Andres Fisher

    Professor, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 210 H
    (828) 262-2309

    Research and teaching interests: 20th century poetry, both Peninsular and Latin American. Poetry translation. Literature and culture of Spain and Latin America. Transatlantic studies. Creative writing in poetry.

  • Jim Fogelquist

    Dr. Jim Fogelquist

    Professor, Spanish

    (828) 262-3096

    Research and teaching interests: Medieval and Golden Age Spanish literature; Cervantes; Mexican literature and popular culture; Chicano literature

  • Catherine Fountain

    Dr. Catherine Fountain

    Professor, Spanish and TESL/Applied Linguistics

    LS Dougherty 103 D
    (828) 262-2308

    Research and teaching interests: Historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, history of the language sciences, Indigenous languages of the Americans, Spanish in the United States

  • Liz Kunkel, MA

    Lecturer, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 206
    (828) 262-2913

    Research and teaching interests: First and second-year Spanish; Spanish for Healthcare and Social Services

  • Dr. Ortiz profile picture

    Dr. María Patricia Ortiz

    Professor, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 103 B
    (828) 262-7356

    Research and teaching interests: Teaching: Latin American Literature and Cultural Studies, Border Crossings U.S. Hispanic Literature and Culture, and 20th Century Spanish and Latin American Novel. Research: Comparative Literature, and Narratives of women's immigration in relation to literature, culture, and border crossings.

  • Olivia A. Posada

    Ms. Olivia A. Posada

    Senior Lecturer, Spanish

    Hickory Campus, Room 1464 A
    (828) 262-8510

    Research and teaching interests: Teach SNH 1010 - 1020 Beginning Spanish I & II, SNH 1040 - 1050 Intermediate Spanish I & II, SNH 1030 - 1060 Accelerated Beginning and Intermediate Spanish, and SNH 2005 Spanish Grammar in Context.

  • Dr. Karola Rico García

    Visiting Assistant Professor

    L S Dougherty Hall 210C

    Research and teaching interests: All levels of Spanish, English as a Second Language, The Mesoamerican Cultural Tradition, Global and Intercultural Connections (Indigenous Peoples of Mexico), The Culture and Civilization of Spanish America, Field Methods in Linguistics, and Academic Discourse.

  • Carmen Scoggins

    Ms. Carmen Scoggins

    Adjunct Instructor, Spanish


    Research and teaching interests: Spanish and Foreign Language Methodology

  • Paul Sebastian

    Dr. Paul Sebastian

    Associate Professor, Spanish & TESL/Applied Linguistics
    Undergraduate Teacher Education Program Director for World Languages

    LS Dougherty 210 B
    (828) 262-2932

    Research and teaching interests: I teach courses in language methodology, second language acquisition, computer-assisted language learning and Spanish as a second language. My research deals with the relationship between language and the constructed environment whether that be physical, hybrid, or online.

  • Benjamin Souza

    Dr. Benjamin Souza

    Professor, Spanish Linguistics

    LS Dougherty 109 A
    (828) 262-2305

    Research and teaching interests: I teach all levels of Spanish and specialize in Spanish linguistics. I study a wide array of second language acquisition topics and Spanish phonetics and dialectology.

  • Kendra Souza

    Ms. Kendra Souza

    Senior Lecturer, Spanish

    LS Dougherty 108 C
    (828) 262-8508

    Research and teaching interests: Beginning and Intermediate Spanish

  • Photo of Anneliese Thomae Elias

    Anneliese Thomae Elias

    Adjunct Instructor

    LS Dougherty 103 C

    Research and teaching interests: Spanish language, language justice

  • Photo of Dr. Paul Worley

    Dr. Paul Worley

    Professor, Spanish and World Literatures
    Department Chair

    LS Dougherty 101A
    (828) 262-6709

    Research and teaching interests: Spanish, Latin American Literatures and Cultures, Global Indigenous Literatures

Emeritus Faculty

Per the Appalachian State University Faculty Handbook, Emeritus/Emerita/Emeritx faculty status is a privilege that may be conferred to honor a faculty member who has retired, resigned due to a long-term disability, or who has died after a distinguished professional career that included significant contributions to the University.

The title is awarded to faculty members with permanent tenure and at least ten years of employment at Appalachian State who demonstrate one or more of the following: a substantive record of scholarly achievement commensurate with national and international standards within the specific discipline; a recognized record of outstanding teaching and educational contributions; and evidence of significant service both to the University and to the candidate’s respective discipline.

  • Dr. K. Martial Frindéthié (French)
  • Dr. Rainer Goetz (Spanish)
  • Dr. Kevin Kennedy (German)
  • Dr. Richard McGarry (Linguistics, TESL)