Language(s) taught
Medieval and Golden Age Spanish literature; Cervantes; Mexican literature and popular culture; Chicano literature
PhD, (1977) Yale University
BA, (1972) UCLA
Academic achievement
Graduated from UCLA summa cum laude
Phi Beta Kappa NDFL Foreign Language Fellowship
Yale University Fellowship for Graduate Study
Completed Comprehensive Exams for the Ph.D. with Distinction
Outstanding Faculty Member of the Year, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (1995-1996), Colorado State Universityí-Pueblo
Provost's Award for Excellence in Scholarship (2002) CSU-Pueblo
Idaho Humanities Council Major Grant (2007)
Personal Bio
Due to my father, who was a professor of Spanish-American literature at UCLA, I traveled and lived from an early age in Spanish-speaking areas (Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Spain). Trips to Puerto Rico (1954-1955), Mexico (1960), Spain (1962-63 and 1968) were decisive in determining my life-long passion for Hispanic culture.
At UCLA I discovered two passions that have remained with me for the rest of my life: Cervantes and Mexican folkloric music. As an undergraduate at UCLA. I had the good fortune to take a course on Don Quixote taught by a young scholar named Caroll Johnson (1938-2007), who would later be recognized world-wide for his controversial Freudian reading of Don Quixote. Likewise, through my older brother Mark, I discovered the Mexican Study Group of the Institute of Ethnomusicology, which had accomplished performing groups that played a number of styles of regional Mexican music. The best known was the Mariachi Uclatlán, with which I maintained an association with several interruptions from 1968 to 1993.
At Yale University I pursued interests in Medieval and Golden Age Spanish literature, the chronicles of the Indies, the Latin American novel of the "boom," and Chicano literature. I also participated actively in MECHA, the growing Chicano student group, which soon found a mentor in a young professor of Mexican and Chicano literature from Colorado, named Juan Bruce-Novoa (1944-2010), a pioneering figure in the area of Chicano literature, who much like his senior colleague Emir Rodríguez-Monegal (1921-1985) in the area of Latin American literature, brought a steady stream of emerging figures in the Chicano Movement to campus. Juan Bruce-Novoa and I remained close friends for nearly forty years, until his premature death in 2010.
Having completed my Ph.D. at Yale University, I went on to teach at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, Mass. from 1978-1981. I left my position in to play with Mariachi Uclatlán, which opened a Mexican restaurant in Orange County, CA (El Mariachi Restaurant) to serve as it's primary performance venue. By 1981, my brother Mark, had taken the group out of UCLA and had turned it into a successful professional ensemble made up primarily of life-long professional mariachi musicians. The restaurant catered to Mexican and Mexican-American patrons, who were born and raised with the music of the mariachi. By the mid 1980s the group broke into the top echelon of mariachis in the United States. Through the restaurant, which advertised continuously on Spanish-language radio and television, as well as by playing at thousands of engagements (weddings, baptisms, funerals, masses, concerts, parties, etc.) Mariachi Uclatlán established a large base of followers in Orange, Los Angeles, and Riverside Counties, who patronized the restaurant regularly. During the period extending from 1985-1993 the group recorded extensively, occasionally accompanied major singing stars, and shared the stage with some of the best mariachis in the business, including the Mariachi Vargas. During the twelve year period, I not only played with the group five or six days a week, but helped to manage the restaurant, which at its height employed a full staff of cooks, waiters, bartenders, dishwashers, busboys, and as many as twenty full-time musicians.
I ultimately returned to academia in 1993 at Colorado State University-Pueblo (formerly University of Southern Colorado). Since then I have taught continuously: from 1993-2005 at CSU-Pueblo, with one year (1997-1998) as a Visiting Associate Professor at UC-Irvine, from 2005-2010 at Idaho State University, where I chaired the department of Languages and Literatures, and from 2010 to the present at Appalachian State University, where I currently serve as chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.
Pedro de Corral’s Reconfiguration of La Cava in the “Crónica del Rey don Rodrigo.” eHumanista: Monographs in Humanities, 3, University of California-Santa Barbara, 2007.
La crónica del Rey don Rodrigo (a two volume critical edition). Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 2001.
El Amadís y el género de la historia fingida. Madrid: José Porrúa-Turanzas, 1982.
Ethnicity, Sexuality and Identity in the Autobiographies of Richard Rodriguez.” Doble Crossings/EntreCruzamientos: antología de artículos presentados en el IX Congreso Internacional de Culturas Latinas en América del Norte, California State University San Marcos. New Jersey: Ediciones Nuevo Espacio, 2001, 35-66.
“Etnicidad y asimilación en los cuentos de Tomás Carrasquilla." Tomás Carrasquilla: aproximaciones críticas. Flor María Rodríguez-Arenas, ed. Medellín: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 2000, 34-71.
“The Discourse of Saints’ Lives in Palóu’s Vida de Junípero Serra.” America’s Review, Vol. 24, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Summer 1997), 227-248.
“Rubén Martínez and the New L.A.” Confrontations et Metissages. Actes du VIe Congrès Europeén Sur les Cultures d’Amérique Latine aux États-Unis. Bordeaux: Maison des Pays Ibériques, 1995, 406-417.
“Cooper y Sarmiento: el tema de la civilización y la barbarie”. Cuadernos Americanos (enero-febrero, 1981): 96-112.
“Tiempo y mito en Cambio de piel,” Cuadernos Americanos (julio-agosto, 1980): 96-107.
Commercial Publications
“Mexico: Folklore and National Identity.” San Diego: The Price Club, 1993.
“México: el enlace de dos culturas/Mexico: The Meeting of Two Cultures.” New York: Higgins and Associates, 1991.
Recordings (Production and Performance)
América. Mariachi Uclatlán. Los Angeles: Discos Uclatlán, 1991
La Bamba. Mariachi Uclatlán. Los Angeles: Discos Uclatlán, 1986.

Title: Professor, Spanish
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-3096