Languages Taught
Spanish, and English as a Second Language (ESL).
I have taught all levels of Spanish, English as a Second Language, The Mesoamerican Cultural Tradition, Global and Intercultural Connections (Indigenous Peoples of Mexico), The Culture and Civilization of Spanish America, Field Methods in Linguistics, and Academic Discourse.
My research has been focused on Language Revitalization and documentation of the Otomi language, Language Socialization, Discourse Analysis, Structure of personal experiences stories in Otomi and Spanish, Migration and Identity.
PhD in Linguistics (2021), Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
M.A. in Amerindian Studies and Bilingual Education (2014), Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
Bachelor in Spanish and Linguistics (2009), Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Rico, K. & Velásquez, Eva (2020). “Estructura de los relatos sobre experiencias personales en hablantes del otomí de Santiago Mexquititlán”. In Signo y seña, (36). ISSN: 2314-2189.
Vázquez, A. & Rico, K. (2016). “La comunidad sin fronteras. Lengua e identidad, entre los ñäñho-urbanos de la ciudad de Querétaro”. In Gazeta de Antropología, 32 (1): article 05 (2016). Available at:
Rico, K. (2014) “Hacia la construcción de esfuerzos educativos para la socialización de la lengua hñäñho en la colonia Nueva Realidad”. In Luz María Lepe & Nicanor Rebolledo (Eds.) Educación Bilingüe y Políticas de Revitalización de Lenguas Indígenas. Quito: Abya Yala /UPS Publicaciones- UAQ. Pp. 206-221. ISBN: 978-9942-09-178-9.
“Estructura de textos sobre experiencias personales en hablantes bilingües de otomí- español” (‘Structure of texts about personal experiences of bilingual speakers of Otomi-Spanish’). Presented at The CLACS Speaker Series. University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, April 2019.
“Tsi me nzänä... Plegarias a la luna en hñäñho” (‘Tsi me nzänä… Prayers to the moon in Otomi’) within the framework of the permanent seminar on Oto-Pamean Group. Institute of Anthropological Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Mexico City, March 2017.
“Macroestructura de historias personales en lengua originaria en hablantes bilingües de otomí-español” presented at the 3rd Annual Southeastern Association of Cultural Studies (SEACS) Conference. University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Charlotte, NC. February 2022.
“Estructura de historias sobre experiencias personales en hablantes del otomí de Santiago Mexquititlán” presented at the Third International Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America. University of Georgia. Athens, GA. March 2021.
Title: Visiting Assistant Professor
Department: Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Email address: Email me