Growing up in Yamaguchi, Japan, Dr. Kinji Ito has a passion for Japanese language and culture. He enjoys travel, meeting people of different backgrounds, and learning about other cultures. He earned his Ph.D. in translation studies. He graduated from Binghamton University in New York, where he focused on Japanese-English translations and Japanese language and culture.
Dr. Ito’s passions have led to a variety of accomplishments in his career. With his interest and expertise in translation, he has started to write a work of contemporary Japanese literature. The piece is titled “Chisetsu” and is written in Japanese, and he aims to translate it into English to reach a wider audience. Dr. Ito saw the need for multilingual individuals in a globalizing world, and this observation stimulated his passion for second language acquisition and language pedagogy. He began teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught Japanese language, culture, and translation courses. We are thrilled to have Dr. Ito now teaching here at Appalachian State University! Alongside his classes, Dr. Ito devotes time to building positive student-teacher relationships to aid his students in pursuing their target languages. Dr. Ito received his third mentor award in 2021 from the Japan Commerce Association of Washington, D.C. (JCAW).