DLLC Spring Symposium

DLLC Symposium 2025 - Changing World: Travels, Nations & Cultures

Travels, displacements, migrations, and pilgrimages are human experiences with deep repercussions on both the formation and constant reshaping of national cultures. Many mythical stories, imperialists plots, cosmopolitan attitudes, as well as today’s stories of immigrants and refugees struggle with real or fictional borders. Now that migrants and nationalists seem unable to understand each other, it is more important than ever to talk about the implications of their complex relationship.

The Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures is pleased to announce their annual symposium to be held on Wednesday, March 26 and Thursday, March 27, 2025

Colleagues, students, and other members of the community are invited to submit proposals for presentations including, but not limited to, the following formats:
● Pedagogical demonstrations
● Reflections on teaching and/or learning experiences
● Presentations exploring collaboration between faculty and students and/or the university and the community
● Presentations of academic papers
● Presentations of academic research-in-progress
● Presentations of original art or creative writing
● Roundtable presentations around a specific theme

Depending on the type of presentation, symposium presentations can range between 15-30 minutes.

The submission deadline for presentation proposals is Sunday, March 2, 2025. Submissions should include:
● Presenter’s information (contact information and relationship to university: faculty/student/department, etc.)
● Clear denotation of the type of presentation to be given and time needed (15-30 minutes)
● A title and 200-word abstract

Please submit proposals via email and direct any questions pertaining to format to Benito del Pliego (delpliegob@appstate.edu).

All submissions will be reviewed by the members of our Events Committee, with notifications of acceptance to be sent by March 8. 


View the 2024 Symposium Schedule (Google Doc)