Stephanie Schenck

"I truly love this program and recommend it to people all the time!! The classes were worthwhile, the professors super helpful and kind, and the connections and friendships are invaluable." ~Stephanie Schenck

Stephanie Schenck said that she loved earning her MA in Romance Languages at Appalachian State University. She said that whenever she describes how much she enjoyed the program to others, they are inevitably regretful to have earned their degrees elsewhere. Stephanie is able to implement the lessons and strategies she learned in material development in her current practice. She describes the rapport with faculty and fellow students as "more like a family" than just classes.

Since graduation, Stephanie has moved to South Carolina. She currently teaches Spanish at Clover High School, where she also sponsors the Spanish Honor Society. She is the 2016-2017 President of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) of South Carolina. She serves on the South Carolina Language Teachers' Association board.

Additionally, Stephanie published an article in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) March/April 2016 edition of The Language Educator. The Language Educator is a national level, peer reviewed publication for world language teachers. It is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art approaches to teaching, assessment, and language advocacy. Her article is entitled "We Need the How: Exploring Ways to Prepare Studens for IPAs" and is available to ACTFL members via their website ( Her article gives world language teachers concrete ways to create authentic assessments of students' language proficiency. Stephanie also shares how the IPA (Integrated Performance Assessment) has transformed her own teaching by ensuring that both her teaching and her testing are connected to real-world tasks where students really use their Spanish.

header image for Stephanie's article "We Need the 'How:' Exploring Ways to Prepare Students for IPAs"

Stephanie holding copy of The Language Educator showing her article"This program is the very best for foreign language teachers. Most of my friends with master's degrees had to settle for a program that kind of aligned with their interests, but wasn't a great fit. This program is a perfect fit. One piece of advice that I have is to really make the most of the assignments. Don't just create lessons for the class, create lessons that you need and will actually use!! I still use many of those lessons to this day and even used some of them when I went through National Board certification!!"

Stephanie Schenck
Published: Jul 15, 2016 12:00am
